a list of things or artists or people i'm inspired by and also like.

an explanation may or may not be written

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shimeji simulation

made by tsukumizu, the writer of girls' last tour. i am comfortable saying that shimeji simulation is a generational piece of yuri. equal parts surreal, heartwarming, intellectually dense, emotionally charged, soul crushing, and funny. all at once, in the best ways possible.

read it on mangadex. other ways of reading it will be here soon.

cj the x

the cyberpunk luddite. incredible artist and philosopher. huge inspiration of mine. that's all i have to say.

read their essays. you can go through their videos on youtube too.


a lot of my more recent look and bits and jokes are just poor executions of whatever they do. i look up to them, they're genuinely amazing. they inspire me to do more things that i wish to do (writing, activism, etc.) too while i can.

find them on their site or on their twitter.

2:22 am

a strange kind of comfort to others, a familiar one to me. made by alice lai and published by umbrella-isle. i love it.

get the game on itchio.

madoka magica

the beginning of yuri so insane it ascends to godhood. quite literally.

watch it here.